May Term Play Term

This year I had to stay at school for a month longer for a class, that was more like training, for a position I will be holding in Residence Life on campus next year. One extra month in Redlands. Most would probably complain about starting their summer later than they had to, but I was happy because it meant I would get to hang out with my lovely Redlands friends a little bit longer. Here's the little bit of memories I caught on camera from that last month. 

Now freshman year is officially over. It's weird to think I won't be living in Williams Hall any more. Room 111 is no longer mine. This group of people will not be a walk up the stairs from me anymore. Come fall we will be in different halls, states, and even countries away from each other. I feel so lucky to have had the experience I had this year. I got to know some pretty awesome people that I hope to keep in my life for at least a little bit longer. Next year will be different, but just as much fun in different ways. I've grown so much just even over the past few months and I can't wait to see where it goes from here. Now time for a relaxing two month long summer and I'll be back at Redlands before I know it. 

Julia Carrington


24 Hours


stay up late.