"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" [4/12]

So I feel like a really don't need to actually review this one. Being that I am probably the last person over the age of 12 alive today to read this, I'm going to skip the review and just post this to prove that I Julia Carrington, at the age of 18, have finally read a Harry Potter book. I no longer have to embarrassingly admit to never reading the books and having people be shocked by that and look down on me. And yes the book is better than the movie. Now I feel like I need to go out and buy the rest and read them all. But, I will hold off on that for a while for the sake of this blog. Don't want to use up the remainder of my 12 posts all on Harry Potter books when there are so many others I want to read. I still have my stack I ordered from amazon last summer so on to the next one of those. 

Julia Carrington

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"It's Kind of a Funny Story" [3/12]