"Anna and the French Kiss" [6/12]

Lately life has been past the point of stressful. School has been taking up so much of my time, leaving little to no time for myself to just relax and do something I love. A few days ago it was just one of those days where everything felt like it was going against me. Everything little thing that could go wrong did. It put me in a one of those moods where you just want to curl up and forget that everything going on exists. So that's what I did. Broke out my copy of Anna(my guilty pleasure favorite book ever), curled up in a million blankets on my bed, and read all night. I have a habit of finishing this book in a day so it was the perfect way for me to just get away for a little. Technically I've read this before, but I haven't been able to read in general for a while so I'm adding it to my year count anyway. 

"Anna and the French Kiss" is one of the worlds cheesiest romance novels. I love it to death. If you want to read a perfect love story that isn't written by Nicholas Sparks or John Green this is what you need. The basic plot of the story is this girl, Anna, is sent off to Paris for her senior year to study at the American School of Paris. She quickly is pulled into a group of friends where she meets Etienne St Clair, who is the school heartthrob. The story is following their friendship and possibly a blossoming romance. I can promise you will fall in love with St Clair.

I personally think this book is extremely addictive no matter how cheesy and embarrassing it is. I have forced many friends to read it and every one of them have loved it soooooo..... just saying it's pretty darn good. 

It's finals season so in a few weeks life will slow down for a bit, giving me more time for this kind of stuff. Until then,

Julia Carrington 

write more.


College :: round two