Peace Out

This weekend I did something I thought I would never have to do. I deleted Instagram. *gasp* I know right? My entire life is on Instagram so it's crazy to think that's going to be gone for a little bit, but it's all for good in the long run. It's a big step in moving forward with the life I want to live and finding happiness in other things. Sadly Insta became a damaging app for my personal well being. I was using it in an unhealthy way so it was time to say goodbye for a little while. Along with Instagram went twitter and snapchat too. 

This last month has been a rough one for me. First heartbreak is a bit harder to deal with than I thought it would be. I found that I kept on clinging to any last shred of hope I could get. I didn't want to lose someone who was that important to me. I let my heart be teased by the idea that maybe things could go back to how they were and that was the worst thing I could have ever done to myself. As much as I love and care about this person, I needed to step away and find a new happiness. And now I'm finally taking steps towards that and I feel so much better. Those three apps had turned into the apps I used to see what he's doing and make sure he seeing what I'm doing. It's a false sense of connectedness that I don't need to focus on at all. So it's time for me to delete and unplug. No more letting something as silly as photos or a couple words get to me. And it isn't important for him to see what I'm doing while we are apart either. 

Have no fear, the blog has been up and running better than ever since the break up so that's not going to change. This also will probably help me with the blog to be honest. I'll still be posting on here because I need something to fill the gap of a lack of Instagram in my life. I really love to share so I will use this to do just that. I am hoping to have a mini Instagram post on here once a week, "my week in photos" type thing. 

Just thought I could share, and maybe if anyone else is realizing social media is getting in the way of their happiness, I encourage you to unplug and say peace out because you don't need anything in your life to hold you back from being happy. 

Julia Carrington

Walk The Moon


"Girl Online" [1/12]