"Girl Online" [1/12]

"Hey Julia! Why does it say [1/12]?" Well basically one of my new years resolutions this year was to read 12 books (aka a book a month) and right now I'm deciding to put a tiny review of each on the blog (because that makes for 12 no brainer blog posts) so it's all a win-win. 
The first book I've read this year is "Girl Online" by Zoe Sugg.

This one is a classic "chick flick" novel. A lead female who you can easily relate to because she's sweet but has problems in her life and kind of misunderstood. Then she meets a cute guy and they hit it off. Something bad happens but they end up together and happy in the end. Recipe for a teen romance novel right there. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I for one am a complete sucker for these things. Stephanie Perkins novels are my favorite and if you don't know who she is or read any of her books do yourself a favor and get on it. Zoe Sugg here is a first time writer, being more of a internet personality, so I didn't expect it to be the most well thought out beautifully written book in the world. The story is basically about Penny, who has a anonymous blog and anxiety issues, and Noah, the artist/musician she meets on a trip to New York with her family.
The story was good. It started off with lots of classic teenager issues like bitchy best girl friends, perfect gay best friend, embarrassing encounters with a crush, public embarrassment, and all the other good "high school" problems. Then all the lovey dovey stuff came in which is always fun to read and wish to yourself "someday I'll find a guy who treats me like that" because that's the entire point of reading teen romance novels right? Admittedly the climactic twist toward the end kept me up all night and made me want to just finish the book, but it's my favorite when a book can do that. 
I really enjoyed reading this and would recommend it to anyone who likes the cheesiness of teen/ young adult romance novels. Giving it a 6.8 out of 10. Not the most beautifully written book being Zoe's first novel but an enjoyable read none the less. 

Not 100% sure what book I'm going to move on to next. I have a full shelf of books I bought last year but never got around to reading so I'll just pull something off of there I suppose. And I would love to hear suggestions from you who ever may be reading this blog. 
But till next time,

Julia Carrington 


Peace Out


Spring Dapper Day