Spring Dapper Day

Yesterday was Dapper Day at Disneyland. It's the day where almost half the people in the park look like they stepped out of a time machine into the wrong decade. People come and dress up all nice like how people would have back when the park first opened. When every occasion to go out meant dressing up and looking your best. I wish I could go back to that time so badly and be able to dress up for everything and not be looked at differently for it. People barely even dress up for the theater now, it just gets on my nerve. But that's off topic and beside the point. A rant for another time maybe. Back to Dapper Day. Me and a few friends went for a little while and I worked up the courage to ask a few strangers if I could take photos of them just to showcase some of the creative looks people put together. 

I had a bit of a rough week myself so didn't get to take anytime to put something together, but there's always next time right? If you're curious at all about this whole Dapper Day thing here is their website filled more information and beautiful photos of outfits.

Julia Carrington 

"Girl Online" [1/12]

