1940s and 50s Hollywood

This week I wrote my last college essay for my freshman year... {cue cheering and poppers}
So yeah that's crazy in and of it's self. This particular essay was for a US History course and the professor allowed us to write it on any topic we wanted as long as it was relevant to what we had discussed in the last few weeks of class, the late 1930s to the 1960s. I chose to write about the Hollywood Blacklist that started in the late 30s and ended in the early 60s. It was a crazy time for the film industry, but still so much good came out of it. It is crazy to think that all of this fear was happening when some of the biggest female stars were still emerging. Beautiful women of 40s like Rita Hayworth and Judy Garland who we still remember to this day. Three of the top beauty icon in history, Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, and Audrey Hepburn in the 1950s. Anyway I was obviously thinking more about these gorgeous women than my actual essay topic as I was writing so here are some stunning photos of them for you to enjoy and make you wish you could be half as glamorous as them. 

Julia Carrington 


Mini Insta {April 6- April 12}


Mini Insta {March 30- April 5}