Mini Insta {March 30- April 5}

Favorite piece from the senior art show #fashion
today's thrift find: a vintage "target" shirt covered
in tootsie rolls
Little bit proud of this. Wrote and illustrated a kids
book for a psychology project.
Buying soda just because the bottle is cute #justgirlythings #justhipsterthings
Adam and Julia show Abby around Redlands.. so much enthusiasm..
Landon and I made this girl look stunning tonight 
"His blood has washed away my sins, Jesus thank you!"
classic "just got my nails did" photo because I just got my nails did
with mommy #breakupmanicure #onlytwomonthslate 
family game night got intense, but thankfully I won
He is risen indeed! Sunrise service on this beautiful Easter morning! #happyeasters
"I think it might be carrot cake" #happyeasters
can we just talk about how cute Roman is? #happyeasters  
Thankful for study dates at Augies even if little to no studying gets done

1940s and 50s Hollywood


Songs on Repeat {week two}